Volume 15 - Issue 2
Causes for Women in Divorce – An Emprical Analysis
Divorce is the final legal dissolution of a marriage between spouses by a court of law and indicates a legal termination of marriage. This paper tries to give an outline of causes and consequences of divorce in Indian perspectives. The study exclusively focused divorced women. The researcher referred Indian divorce related acts, polices, and articles through that he find that divorce in not only individual issues, the problem created societal related problems as cultures, norms and its related familial issues. The researcher constructed to find out causes and consequences of divorce. Based on the objective the researcher found the following findings, 1) divorce is a heart breaking experience that transforms the unsuccessful lives, it is getting to be noticeably basic in all instances of the society. Divorce is not only two individuals’ issues, it includes other spouses, family members, relatives, neighbourhood, and society will affect entire generation.
Paper Details
PaperID: 191084
Author's Name: Dr.A. Jayaraman and Sri G. Vignesh
Volume: Volume 15
Issues: Issue 2
Keywords: Divorce, Conjugal Interruption, Individuals, Women, Family.
Year: 2019
Month: March
Pages: 67-71