Volume 9 - Issue 20
3D face recognition by sliding complex wavelet structural similarity index on detail geometry images
In this paper, a novel 3D face recognition scheme by Sliding Complex Wavelet Structural SIMilarity (SCW-SSIM) index carried out on detailed geometry images is proposed. First, the preprocessed 3D faces are mapped into geometry images on 2D plane. Then, a multi-scale wavelet transform is designed to decompose geometry image into a set of sub-images and denotes high-pass sub-images of wavelet transform as detailed geometry images, which are utilized as expression-invariant feature for face matching and classifying. At last,similarity metrics obtained from SCW-SSIM work as basis for identification and verification tests. Extensive experiments conducted on FRGC (Face Recognition Grand Challenge) v2.0 show a better performance, which also approve that the proposed approach is promising for dealing with expression distortion in 3D face recognition.
Paper Details
PaperID: 84887273320
Author's Name: Zou, H., Da, F., Wang, Z.
Volume: Volume 9
Issues: Issue 20
Keywords: 3D face recognition, Expression variation, Geometry images, SCW-SSIM
Year: 2013
Month: October
Pages: 8333-8341