Volume 8 - Issue 1
A social tagging method for web service semantics based on RGPS meta-model framework
Social tagging has become popular approach of recognition and management of resources in web2.0 era. For the current problem of insufficient capacity of semantic web service description, this paper proposes a social tagging method for the web services semantics based on RGPS meta-model framework. The approach uses theories and techniques of MFI international standards and RGPS meta-model framework, enable the public users to annotate the service, as well as amend and improve the tags extracted by the system automatically, identifying service semantic annotation type, and improve semantic integrity of the web service description. Meanwhile, TOS and SRS algorithm is proposed, using RGPS reasoning rules to organize the social tags of service semantics, enable service discovery accurately later. Finally, an experimental example is given to verify this approach, which improves significantly the accuracy and integrity of semantic description of services.
Paper Details
PaperID: 84862944730
Author's Name: Ning, D., Peng, R., He, K., Feng, Z., Liu, J.
Volume: Volume 8
Issues: Issue 1
Keywords: RGPS meta-model, Semantic storage, Semantic web service, Service semantics, Social tagging
Year: 2012
Month: January
Pages: 1 - 9